Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Based on the title, you might think I'm about to complain about parking meters. But no - in ski country, metering is when they stop traffic altogether so that the Eisenhower/Johnson tunnel doesn't have cars stuck in it. This equates to a hour long wait at the clunnel (cluster f tunnel) and ultimately 8 hours of driving for 4 hours of skiing at Beaver Creek. CDOT has of course taken a lot of heat for this, but I do understand their argument that you can't let traffic sit in a tunnel that's over a mile long. In case of an accident, emergency crews need to be able to pass. However, what I don't appreciate is CDOT's response about how the tunnel saves me 9 miles of driving. Wow, thanks for saving me 9 miles! I'd rather drive 25 extra miles and be in the car 2 hours less. They've metered traffic at the clunnel for 15 years now, but it appears they've had to do it more often lately. A lot of people have made suggestions to the obvious ski traffic problem. Most notable is a monorail. Another is ticketing people who drive too slow - obviously this person doesn't understand how traffic works. A state rep even proposed a bill to impose a toll on I-70 during peak travel times. Here's my solution - all you that ski/board like an a-hole anyhow, stay the f home and out of my way!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


We entered a new decade about 48 days ago, which is very exciting. Apparently some think that it is "o-ten" that we are now in. This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It is two thousand and ten, or twenty ten, or just "ten" for short. Did we call it double O nine? Are we going to say O'leven next year? No, because that is dumb. So please, please, please stop saying "O TEN"!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Extra Postage Required

I recently bought two birthday cards to be mailed. As if it isn't hard enough to find that card that is just right, envelopes come in all different shapes and sizes. Some of these are marked "extra postage required". SO what is that? How MUCH extra postage and better yet WHY? As if it really costs USPS more to mail a square card?! And I am forced to put two 44 centers on because a) I barely keep stamps on hand, let alone various amounts and b) the last thing I want is an already late b-day card coming back to me 5 days later marked "insufficient postage". I'm so sure it doesn't cost the USPS anything to send it back to me either.