Wednesday, March 17, 2010

merge fail

Dear motorists - please learn the rules of merging. First off, if there is a merge lane, use it - that's why it's there! Don't just stop and wait forever and then make everyone else behind you do the same. You should be speeding up to match the speed of traffic. And when someone is merging onto the road, stop acting stupid by slowing down or drastically speeding up. The car that is merging is responsible for that, NOT YOU. I know you think you're being nice or something but you aren't. When you slow down and I'm thinking you'll keep moving, you totally screw us both up. And when you drastically speed up you are just being a dick. Furthermore, it sure would be nice of you to move over a lane if it's completely empty. Don't worry - you can get back in the other lane again. I know you're supposed to "keep right except to pass", but have some common freaking sense.

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